Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey is a national survey co-ordinated by Advance HE.

Herts staff can find creative assets to help them promote the survey to their postgraduate taught students.

You can also find more resources including our student video on Herts Hub Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey page.

Key information

Campaign live dates10 March – 13 June 2025
Key dates

Monday 10 March: Survey opens across the University

Friday 13 June: Survey closes

Advance HE will share the results with the University by the end of July/early August.

Hashtags#PTES #PTES2025 #GoHerts
Suggested emoji

🗣️ [speaking silhouette head] 
📋 [clipboard] 
📝 [memo] 
✏️ [pencil]

Approved copy and assets 

The content below is approved for use across all relevant University social media channels.

To download available assets, follow the link under each item. Please make sure you are using the correct artwork per channel (i.e. do not post artwork intended for Facebook on Instagram).

Download each creative asset and use it to promote the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey to your students.

hand holding iphone

Message 1

Approved copy:

Your voice matters 

Complete the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

Visit the website:

#PTES #PTES2025 #Herts

Download for Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn

hand holding iPhone

Message 2

Approved copy:

Complete the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

Visit the website:

#PTES #PTES2025 #Herts

Download for stories