Corporate and Business audiences

Our corporate audience encompasses anyone who engages with our social channels who isn’t a student or prospective student. This could include parents, local government stakeholders, research partners, funders, ex staff, alumni and local residents.

Our enterprise audience is part of our corporate audience, but it is more specifically commercial partners, businesses who have a relationship with the university (e.g. incubator businesses, those who employ one of our apprentices, those who have received coaching support.

The awareness and engagement with the University brand will vary as this collective audience is diverse in its relationship with us. It is therefore important that information is being disseminated clearly and accurately.

What are their preferred social media platforms?

Because the corporate and enterprise audience is so diverse, there is engagement with all of our social media platforms in different ways.

For example, we currently use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to talk primarily to students, but that doesn’t mean that a local government stakeholder or alumni isn’t interested in how we do that and the information we share.

LinkedIn is a key channel for our enterprise and alumni audience to engage with us. The university currently uses it to engage directly with businesses, for example to promote our volunteer business support scheme. It is also a key channel for alumni to build their professional network and profile. Similar to Postgraduates – any support we can provide to connect alumni to opportunities via LinkedIn will be appreciated by them.

What about tone of voice?

Although the core university social media channels are primarily targeted to students currently, there are opportunities to engage directly with corporate and enterprise audiences, and where that is the case we recommend the tone should be professional, but also honest and informative so that there’s an alignment with the student focused tone of voice (if your social media accounts are also talking to both audiences).

Use of emojis or colloquial language isn’t recommended, or too many exclamation marks! Aim for ‘professional and positive’.

Best practice

Messaging examples

PrimaryWe are a university with ambition at its heart. We have the drive to go further, think bigger, to make a difference within our community and beyond.
Key topicsOnline community
Career opportunities
Showcasing work
Student welfare
Business opportunities
Important information
Relevant updates.

Platform examples


Business Academy Network:

Looking to do some networking? Join our Business Academy with regular masterclasses, breakfast briefings, research insights and opportunities to work with our students! [URL]

Enterprise Fund:

Whether you're a student or not, Herts is here to support your fantastic start up ideas with our Enterprise Fund! Tell us your bright start up ideas below in the comments. [URL]


Business Academy Network:

Are you an innovator? You’ll feel right at home. Learn how you can join our Business Academy Network [URL]

#networking #Herts #masterclass #opportunities #Business Academy Network

Enterprise Fund:

Would you like £2,000 to power your start up potential? With the Herts Enterprise Fund, that opportunity is here. [URL]

#Herts #EnterpriseFund #startup #innovation


Business Academy Network:

Check out the photos from our recent Business Academy Network event: Compelling Content Creation. See you at the next one!

#networking #Herts #masterclass #opportunities #Business Academy Network

Enterprise Fund:

Aslan received £2,000 to bring his start up idea to life with Herts' Enterprise Fund. We are proud to show off his app! Check our stories for more details.

#Herts #EnterpriseFund #startup #innovation


Business Academy Network:

Is working from home the new normal?

As part of our Business Academy Network, you can join our Live Learning webinar for free! Learn more here. [URL]

#Herts #webinar #BusinessAcademy-Network

Enterprise Fund:

Would you like £2,000 to power your start up potential?

With the Herts Enterprise Fund, whether you are a student or not, if you have a great business idea but need some financial support with kick-starting - you can apply now! Learn more here. [URL]

#Herts #EnterpriseFund #startup #innovation

Our platforms

Get in touch

If you have any questions please contact a member of the team:

Studio team, Marketing and Communications
Jak Kimsey, Head of Digital and Creative Experience (he/him)
Marketing and Communications Business